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What happens when we ignore Caregiver Burnout?

Don't ignore the warning signs! 🚨

For some, it might be easy to disregard and suppress negative feelings. But did you know that it could spiral into something more?

Your body reacts by releasing stress hormones, resulting in exhaustion, irritability, a weakened immune system, sleep disturbances, digestive distress, headaches, and changes in weight*

According to AIC (n.d.), some factors that contribute to Caregiver Burnout is

  • Role Confusion

  • Lack of Control

  • Unrealistic Expectations

Thus, It is important to keep an eye out for such changes as they can affect the caregivers long-term.

Click on this photo (on the right) to learn more about relevant helpful hotlines you can reach out to for help!


Agency for Integrated Care. (n.d.). Managing Caregiver Stress. Retrieved from


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