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4️⃣ FOURTH STAGE | Implementation

🏡 As the care recipients settle back at home, the evident shift from healthcare professionals to family caregiver is experienced.

Caregiver has to learn how to cope with new responsibilities such as coordinating medical check-ups and change in lifestyle habits.

As this is a new experience for the caregiver, feelings of anxiousness and inadequacy can last for several months.

🤞🏼In this stage, it has been reported that first-time family caregivers do not receive enough guidance and have to conduct numerous trial-and-errors to test out the practices.

Resources to help caregivers manage with this newfound stress should be introduced timely by family members to help overcome strong negative feelings.


Cameron, J. I., & Gignac, M. A. (2008). “Timing It Right”: A conceptual framework for

addressing the support needs of family caregivers to stroke survivors from the

hospital to the home. Patient education and counseling, 70(3), 305-314.


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