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2️⃣ SECOND STAGE | Stabilisation

This is a transitionary phase where it focuses on the care recipients' recovery and welfare process. At this point, caregivers are unaware of the impending heavy responsibilities they have to fulfil as a caregiver.

📝 Other than providing emotional and informational support, there is a need to kickstart caregiving training so that caregivers are well-equipped with knowledge and skill-sets.

You can help by attending trainings alongside the caregivers to shoulder the responsibility together as a family. This collaboration can offload the huge stress and responsibility placed on them. Moreover, it can actually foster a stronger family cohesion.


Cameron, J. I., & Gignac, M. A. (2008). “Timing It Right”: A conceptual framework for

addressing the support needs of family caregivers to stroke survivors from the

hospital to the home. Patient education and counseling, 70(3), 305-314.


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