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FIRST STAGE | The initial event of the health diagnosis.

🤯 During this phase, many caregivers are overwhelmed with the sudden news and would be mostly concern about the severity of the medical condition.

🫂 You can help them overcome this beginning stage by being a pillar of emotional support. Simply by listening to their worries and checking in on them would help immensely!

For informational needs, it is important for professional health care providers to deliver accurate diagnosis and treatment options.

🚨 While searching the web could help ease one's anxiety, do make sure to always double check with the doctors as there is a possibility of fake news or misinformation online.


Cameron, J. I., & Gignac, M. A. (2008). “Timing It Right”: A conceptual framework for

addressing the support needs of family caregivers to stroke survivors from the

hospital to the home. Patient education and counseling, 70(3), 305-314.


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