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Do you know a caregiver?

It could be anyone - your loved ones, family members, friends and even yourself!

In Singapore, the conventional role of an informal caregiver continues to be an indisputable practice among families due to the rapid ageing population and deep-rooted “Asian values” of filial piety and familism (Thompson, 2000).

At the rapid speed of Singapore's ageing population, we could all potentially be caregivers ourselves one day. That's why it is crucial to identify caregiver needs and build a strong social support for them.

Unlike formal caregivers, informal caregivers are not bound by a contractual relationship with monetary benefits, medical expertise and technical skill-sets. Without sufficient medical knowledge, it could increase feelings of inadequacy and anxiousness.

Read other posts to discover more facts about caregiving!


Thompson, M. R. (2000). The survival of" Asian values" as" Zivilisationskritik". Theory and Society, 29(5), 651-686.


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